Regular activities at a glance


11.00 a.m. Morning Worship (including children's and young people's groups) [Preceded by prayer at 10.45 am]

1.30 p.m.   Young Adults group (monthly)

 For Evening Services see Forward or below for details

 Communion is celebrated on the 1st & 3rd mornings of each month.  For evenings see below.

 Refreshments are served in the hall after the morning service.



10.00 a.m. Fellowship Group in the church lounge

1.00 p.m. Noah’s Ark Parents and Toddlers


8.00 p.m. Fellowship Groups at church and at a local home

Except last Tuesday of each month:

8.00 p.m. Prayer meeting at church



3.00 p.m.  Bridgewater House service (2nd week of the month)

3.00 p.m. Park Lodge Service (3rd week of the month)



Alan’s Day Off



6.00 p.m.  Youth prayer meeting (monthly)

8.00 p.m.  Time of prayer (twice monthly in church)



11.30 a.m.  Witness on Hounslow High Street (most Saturdays of the month):

Olive Branch homeless drop-in on  Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings (9.30-11.30am)

Please note: Noah's Ark only meets in school term time.

Sunday Evenings in December

22nd:  Carols by Candlelight at 6pm